In today’s fast moving and complex environment, there is a clear operational imperative for businesses to build resilience and adopt agile processes for reframing the future. Embracing flexible and future-proof strategies to improve workforce productivity and communication are becoming the fundamentals of success. However, the question remains: How can enterprises achieve this, and more specifically, what role will cloud computing play in making this a reality?

By turning to the cloud, businesses can combine communication, commercial processes, and collaboration all under the same roof.
Wipro FullStride Cloud Services combines industry-leading business solutions with high-touch outcomes to help enterprises realize the transformative potential of the cloud. Unlocking business value with a critical cloud-based platform will help organizations become more agile and resilient, capable of transforming when faced with a crisis.

How does this happen? Let’s discuss in more detail.

Skytap Azure Multi- and Hybrid Cloud – A Forward-Looking Strategy

Cloud is already at the forefront, driving innovation and digital transformation, and the pandemic has further accelerated the shift to hybrid cloud. With priorities on the line to enable remote work, enterprises are leveraging cloud innovation to maximize existing on-premise investments using multi and hybrid cloud strategies that provide secure connections to other clouds and on-premise data centers. Skytap on Azure multi-edge hybrid cloud provides organizations the agility and scalability to rebuild business processes while ensuring efficiency and the ability to remain compliant. For most industries, a hybrid cloud is more relevant, keeping in mind data latency, sovereignty, regulations, and complexities in the migration of large data centers.

Azure Cloud Migration Fueling Analytics and AI Adoption

During uncertain times the ability to predict and minimize risk will provide a competitive advantage to businesses. And this is where the significance of data analytics and AI will come to the forefront. Azure migration services integrate data within a single platform to provide organizations with AI-driven actionable insights critical for building agility and resilience. Wipro, in collaboration with a leading logistics company operating worldwide demonstrates how a cloud-based analytics platform improved logistics tracking and optimized energy consumption to enhance customer experience and operational efficiency during uncertain times.

Thus, data is the lighthouse to sense where and how the market is evolving and respond quickly to survive any immediate disruption. However, to leverage the power of data for accelerating growth and differentiating for the future, organizations need to integrate it into the cloud systems to fuel analytics and AI adoption for end-to-end visibility that establishes a strong connection between customers, products, people, and operations.

Skytap on Azure Accelerate a New Generation of Software-as-a-Service

Organizations are increasing their use of SaaS for accelerating time-to-market for products and services, back-end tasks automation, effective resource management, and improved customer engagement. However, what will essentially motivate businesses to infuse Skytap Azure into operations is the ability to connect mobile workforces spread across multiple locations via seamless applications and data with any internet-connected device. With self-service provisioning, businesses can easily migrate applications with greater infrastructure availability and reliability and make new app innovations possible with Azure. Moreover, by eliminating the need to buy, install, and upgrade hardware and software, businesses can cut down on refresh costs with a paying-as-you-go model. For instance, SaaS applications like this will gain wide popularity across the healthcare sector and replace traditional software usage by reducing the need to own and host hardware and streamlining clinical records.

Migration to the Azure Cloud Provides End-to-End Cybersecurity

Digital transformation is not only about enhancing agility, productivity, and collaboration. Security and trust have become essential for businesses now more than ever. Cyber resilience has become instrumental to business operations, with the pandemic providing the impetus for leaders to prioritize security needs. In a world of remote operations, safeguarding digital assets and implementing a zero-trust security model is no longer optional. From deploying secured technologies to scaling cybersecurity systems, migration to the cloud will enable data confidentiality for businesses, customers, and partner ecosystems.

Cloud Migration – The Bedrock for Businesses

Became the foundation for successful business in 2020, supporting day-to-day operations, product and service innovation, and customer communications. It will continue to act as a bedrock for enterprises looking to become more robust, flexible, scalable, secure, and efficient. Today, every organization needs to build a quick cloud infrastructure to enhance digital capabilities on a foundation of trust and sustainability for growth and success.

By leveraging the combined capabilities of Wipro FullStride Cloud Services and Skytap on Azure, enterprises can move IBM power applications, modernize a variety of traditional databases, and accelerate CI/CD through AzureDevOps with minimal risk, reduced lead time, and effort. Turning an organization to the cloud unlocks several benefits from increased agility and scalability to improved resiliency and leads to cost savings as well- so why wait? Download our eBook now to leverage the power of the Azure cloud for improving operational efficiency and know what industry experts are recommending to help enterprises unlock new value in the cloud.