In an era of abundance of food, fitness, experiences, and healthy lifestyle content for an industry valued at $1.297 billion in 2017. Some of us respond passionately, others remain sceptical, and others try to ignore or even oppose eating and happiness.

What posture is the best? This is an invitation to open your eyes, explore and experiment with making a conscious, informed, consistent and comfortable choice with the moment and your lifestyle.

Among other things, healthy and mindful eating serves to control and optimize weight, mood and long-term health in ways you may not even have imagined. Make sure you pick the right one created on your 3Cs. Ready to discover a new perspective.


Mainly to survive and let our bodywork inside and out to live at total capacity, so that body, mind and spirit accompany us wherever we want to go. A healthy diet gives us:

  • Daily energy: Physical, emotional and mental energy (the brain occupies 2% of our weight and uses 25% of our energy).
  • The nutrients and micronutrients necessary for our body to accumulate, maintain its structure and function optimally (metabolism, immune system, nervous system, brain, digestive and assimilation functions, hormones, etc.)
  • Without fear or obsession, good quality blood, health, peace, balance, and inner connection. So that we can live our lives 100% without the energy leaving us, like deodorant!

The effects of a healthy diet are innumerable, from survival to therapeutic, healing, psychological, beauty, etc. Furthermore, they have been scientifically proven from different research angles.

In these times, it is time to open our eyes. As human beings we are perfect organisms, our systems are fascinatingly interconnected. We nourish ourselves in many ways and not only through food.

Our heart with the brain, the brain with the intestine, the intestine with the immune system and the nervous system, the digestive system with the emotions, etc.


This remains how I introduce you to the concept of primary foods and secondary foods. This concept made me fall in love with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York, where I became certified as a health coach.

A healthy diet requires a masterful combination of primary and secondary foods. So be careful because this credit is personal and non-transferable.


They are essential for life. Without them, we will not live happily, even if we eat perfectly healthy, balanced food in its proper measure.

Connection: Quality relationships and connections with friends, family, and loved ones.

  • Develop yourself: learn new things, grow.
  • Contribute: with the environment, the community, friends, family or life.
  • Develop a professional career and economic stability.
  • Maintaining physical activity
  • cultivate spirituality


They are the sources which we popularly call food. This topics are studied based on carbohydrates, protein, and fat which are known as the 3 of the macronutrients.

And also, thanks to the micronutrients: vitamin, mineral, trace elements, amino acids, and fatty acids which are main components of any body’s healthy functioning.