How social networks affect your sports performance

Do you know how social networks affect your sports performance? More and more users are using these platforms to show their training, competitions, food, etc. For this reason, we will see what impact networks have in the field of sport and if their use is positive or negative.

Social networks in sport

Indeed, you have found someone in the gym taking a picture in front of the mirror in more than one instance. It is also common to see runners in the park taking a selfie or photographing themselves with a training partner.

We anticipate that social networks for athletes can provide both negative and positive effects. Everything will depend on the user who handles it.

Dangers of social networks in athletes

Let’s start with some harmful effects that these applications can cause in athletes:

They generate some pressure

There is no doubt that social networks tend to idealize everything. Typically, when we open our Instagram or Facebook, it is customary to see other athletes who have completed their training.

Very few dare to show all their followers those stormy days of not achieving the proposed goals.

Provoke the comparison

It is good that we have our sports references and that many people motivate us, but we must act consistently and train according to our level.

If you see a user going to the gym three days a week and running four days, you shouldn’t be doing the same workout. Maybe that person is doing it because he has the level to do it, or perhaps he is irresponsible and doesn’t pay attention to quiet time.

In short, never compare yourself with other users. Focus on your situation and look for improvements little by little until you reach your goals.

Waste of time

Another negative consequence of social networks is that you can lose a lot of time without realizing it if you don’t manage them properly.

Pausing your workout to take a photo is not highly recommended, and the idea is to leave the picture for the end.

On the other hand, sometimes we can consult the mobile for hours at home and let the training rest due to “lack of time.” It is essential to distinguish how to organize yourself properly so as not to procrastinate on irrelevant things.

Benefits of the use of social networks in athletes

Although we have pointed out some negative aspects, these applications can also offer us some advantages in the sports field. Let’s see what they are:

  • They help us make contacts. You will surely meet other athletes through the networks with whom you will establish a beautiful friendship.
  • Get tips from other users who love sports.
  • You will be informe about new news, events, contests, etc.
  • When you don’t feel like working out, looking at photos of other athletes can serve as a motivational bonus.
  • When a user suffers an injury and shares it through their social networks, they feel the support and encouragement of their community of followers.
  • You will be enclosed by a healthy environment that will motivate you to follow your plans.
  • Through social networks, you will be informed of all your sports progress.

Conclusion: is it advisable to use social networks if you are an athlete?

In conclusion, we can say that social networks positively impact sports performance as long as they are used intelligently and the user knows how to manage the time spent on them appropriately.

Remember that you must focus on your training, be aware that everything is idealized on social networks, and be inspired by other colleagues without falling into comparisons.