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Tips to sleep well before a competition

sleep well before a competition

Do not miss our tips to sleep well before a competition. Many athletes say they have trouble falling asleep or staying awake the night before an event. As you know, a good rest is essential to perform at your best. If this is the case, you must act as soon as possible.

There are a series of habits and tricks to reduce stress and nervousness before the competition. Below we will show you the most important ones. Do not miss it!

How to sleep well before a competition

To enjoy a peaceful and restful sleep the day before your test, keep the following tips in mind:

Light dinner and don’t innovate

Eating has a significant impact on the quality of our sleep. If you decide to make a big dinner, you will feel heavy and suffer from stomach problems at night.

It is ubiquitous for athletes to consume a good portion of carbohydrates the night before a competition. The most common case is pasta.

Although these foods give us energy, if you are not used to this type of dinner, it can make you sick. The trick is to incorporate carbohydrates throughout the dinner prep time, not just the day before the test.

Distract your mind

We know it’s complicated, but you should try to distract yourself and not think about the competition. Did you follow the training plans correctly? Have you taken care of your diet and your daily habits? In that case, you don’t have to worry! The work is done. Now you have to clear your head to rest better.

Meditate a few minutes

Meditation is excellent for stopping thinking about the exam and unloading all the stress. You can even do it in bed.

Create a comfortable environment in your room and, if you are inexperienced, do a guided meditation session. There are level mobile apps to help you with this.

Say goodbye to social media

If you check social media, you will probably see news or posts related to the competition. This will make you even more nervous.

On the other hand, networks tend to distract us too much. Indeed you have spent time watching the news more than once without even realizing it. Eye, you could lose hours of sleep.

Don’t drink too much water before bed

Hydration is essential, and we recommend drinking small sips of water throughout the day. Staying optimally hydrated will help you perform better and avoid unexpected scares.

However, when night comes, you should drink less. If you drink two liters at a time, you have to get up at night to go to the bathroom, so your rest changes.

Prepare all the material

Prepare the clothes, materials, and equipment you will wear on race day. This will calm your mind as you are in control. Also, it prevents you from forgetting something important.

Please make a list of the things you need and review them before you leave home.

These were our tips to sleep better before a competition. And you, do you have trouble falling asleep the night before an exam?

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