For nonprofits to run successful volunteer programs, they need to take up effective and handy management approaches to guarantee the success of volunteer programs and build healthy relationships with onboarded volunteers.

To assist this process, volunteer management and scheduling tools can be advantageous for organizations. These applications are equipped with extensive features ranging from recording volunteer data to managing fundraising details. Hence, here’s a look at how these applications can benefit organizations and some of the best tools to try out.

Fundamental Benefits of Volunteer Scheduling Applications

  1. With the help of volunteer scheduling and management apps, organizations can record and track all their data conveniently from one place. All information about existing volunteers, programs, hours, partnerships, etc., can be monitored and used as and when necessary, without any hassle.
  2. It is a cost-effective measure for organizations to have in place for tracking and coordinating all volunteer activities. Most applications have fixed fees that need to be paid periodically for accessing all features. However, they simplify all processes and tasks, thus turning into an investment for nonprofits.
  3. Volunteer scheduling and management applications help streamline communication and routines for all volunteers in an organization and also help contribute to stronger relationships. This is beneficial as it boosts volunteer retention and allows nonprofits to host more successful volunteer programs in the long run.

8 Volunteer Scheduling Tools for Effective Coordination and Management

  1. Flipcause: It is a volunteer management tool that nonprofits can use to schedule and coordinate fundraising events. The database collects information in real-time about donations, volunteer tasks, and other activities. Organizations can then use the data collected and take necessary actions to streamline a volunteer program. Flipcause is also compatible with cloud usage, which means authorized members can access all stored data anytime and anywhere.
  2. Golden: It is a helpful volunteer scheduling application that nonprofits can utilize for structuring volunteer routines, organizing tasks, tracking volunteer data, VTO, and other relevant operations to help reach program goals. Golden’s seamless volunteer management features enable smoother processes for all activities for any volunteer program taking place.
  3. EveryAction: This volunteer management tool helps nonprofits boost how impactful a volunteer program may be. It has a friendly interface that allows for quick and efficient tracking of all volunteer data, such as contact details, hours, communications, etc. The recorded information can then coordinate more activities with available volunteers and curate new volunteer programs.

Fundamental Benefits of Volunteer Scheduling Applications

  1. Point: It is a real-time, cloud-supported management tool that helps bring convenience to the volunteer scheduling process and structure new routines. The sool can onboard volunteers, assign tasks, create communication channels, and improve overall coordination and relationships between the organization and its volunteers.
  2. GiveEffect: It is a volunteer management tool with cloud support that organizations can use to record and monitor fundraising and volunteer activity data. GiveEffect allows nonprofits to create custom web pages, which helps make more people aware of upcoming volunteer programs, and onboarding more people. There is easy management available for monitoring volunteer data and building new strategies.
  3. NewOrg: The tool is web-based, and nonprofits can use it to gain real-time insights on volunteer activity, onboarding, partnerships, fundraising, and more. Its interface lets organizations record all valuable data in one place and ease communication, routines, and other relevant activities for a successful volunteer program.
  4. VolunteerMark: It is a highly-effective volunteer scheduling tool that lets organizations onboard new volunteers after recruitment, track hours and availability, and maintain flexible communication at all stages. The application helps bring convenience to areas such as communication and task organization.
  5. Duplie: It is a volunteer management tool that nonprofits can use for recording instant information about volunteer performances, availability, new events, and other operations. It is helpful for volunteer scheduling as it brings structure to daily routines and can also be accessed from remote settings such as phones for easier tracking of all information.


Having volunteer scheduling and management tools in place can help streamline the tracking and coordinating of all volunteer-related information, partnerships, fundraising programs, and other nonprofit operations. These applications reduce the workload of manually monitoring such information and are also cost-effective for organizations to run successful and impactful volunteer programs.