Cooling Down After Exercise: Is it Important?

You perhaps know that we need to sincere up our muscles before any physical activity, but do you think cooling down after a test remains just as important?

A good workout should remain divided into several phases so that it is helpful to our health and does not cause injuries or muscle pain. The last of these phases is the [cooling] phase. Next, we clarify what it consists of and how it remains carried out.

what is Cooling down after exercise?

Cooling down consists of a process carried out after physical activity so that our body returns to its original state of rest. They are exercises that help us reduce the intensity of the effort.

What we achieve with the cooling phase

Through this phase, we get:

  • Improve the flexibility of our bodies through stretching.
  • Increase the elasticity of ligaments and muscles.
  • Gradually lower your heart rate.
  • Improve muscle strength.
  • Avoid dizziness or fatigue.
  • Avoid causing discomfort or severe injury.

How should we cool

Ideally, in the last part of the training, we gradually reduce the intensity. For example, if you are running, slow down until you finish walking. In this way, the body slowly lowers the heart rate, avoiding the appearance of dizziness due to a sudden change.

Next, we can make a tension table. Remember to do them gently and without force. It is recommended to repeat these exercises just before going to bed since it is the moment in which our body recovers optimally.

Finally, you can massage yourself with a foam roller or apply a sports cream after the shower. We also recommend using sports guns or a recovery program on an electrostimulation device.

The best exercises to calm down

Take note of the best exercises you can do once you finish your training:

  • Take about 10 minutes to walk at a comfortable pace.
  • Stretch your leg Stretch your quads, calves, psoas, hamstrings… Spend a few minutes on your lower body, especially if you’re a runner.
  • Stretch the chest. They are effortless to do. For example, lace your fingers behind your back and stretch your arms while looking up at the ceiling.
  • Arm stretch Almost all activities involve arm movements, even running! Cross your arm over your chest and support it with your other hand to apply some pressure.
  • Neck stretch will help you relax the cervical area, which is one of the most controversial. Bring your ear to your shoulder while bringing your hand above your head to hold the pose for a few seconds. Then switch sides.

Conclusion: cooling is a must

In conclusion, we can affirm that the cooling phase is essential for any athlete since it allows them to return to the initial state and prevent the appearance of injuries, pain, or overexertion.

We should not gambol this part of the training due to lack of time or desire. Remember that your body will rest and recover in better condition to return to sports activity with energy and vitality. If we warm up before exercise, why not cool down afterwards?

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