The snow should not be an obstacle to continue enjoying running. That’s why we give you the best tips for running in the snow this time.

In winter, in general, it is more difficult for us to go outside to exercise. The main reason is the weather. There is no doubt that we prefer to escape to our houses on cold days; however, you should know that training outside in the snow can be exciting and fun.

What are the peculiarities of running in the snow?

Running in the snow without experience and the right equipment can be an absolute disaster. Also, you should know that running on this type of terrain is much more difficult.

Another factor that changes is the running technique. Pay attention to the ground you put your foot on and try to land on the balls of your feet. Please do not do it only with the tip. Since then, you will not have as much stability.

If the snow has been heavily trodden, you should look for the places in the best conditions so as not to suffer ankle sprains or other mishaps. Going downhill, let your stride flow and try to slide in a controlled way. Running through snow is similar to running through mud.

What material do I need to run in the snow?

Of course, our running clothes vary depending on the weather. The first thing we think of when we try to walk in the snow is getting dressed. However, there are many other factors to consider:


Shoes play a fundamental role as they protect us from slipping and mark our stability on unstable ground.

We recommend using a model with a non-slip sole. In addition, they must be waterproof so that snow does not enter through the tube.

If the terrain is completely covered in snow, you will probably need some crampons. In many sports stores, you can find unique models for running.

Warm clothing

The temperatures will be shallow, so we have to get dressed. We recommend that you dress in layers. This way, when you get hot, you can store some clothes in the trail running backpack.

When it’s sunny, don’t forget to wear sunglasses. You can also opt for waterproof gloves and a hat to protect your head from the cold.

Earlier, we mentioned the importance of shoes, but we should not underestimate socks. These must be technical and of high quality to avoid the appearance of blisters or chafing.

Other accessories

Depending on the type of training and the complexity of the terrain, it may make sense to bring poles with you. They can serve as a support point in the descent or as an additional aid in the ascent.

It is also essential to take some liquid with you. At low temperatures, even though we sweat less, dehydration also occurs. If you do a session of more than an hour, do not forget to carry electrolytes or an isotonic drink in your backpack.

When we walk through the snow, it is essential to take extreme precautions, so we recommend that you take your mobile phone with you with a charged battery so that you can contact a friend or family member in case of an emergency.

What do I do if I have no experience running on snow?

If a user has no experience running on snow, the idea is to do short sessions and not very intense training. Gradually, you will adapt to the situation and progress faster.

If you think this isn’t your type of terrain and you find it dangerous, do the treadmill workout. Of course, you should always respect the weather recommendations and never run when a snowstorm is approaching.

Now that you know how to walk in the snow and the essential materials dare try this modality. You will surely enjoy it like a child!