How technology has changed our daily lives

Since the 1980s, when IBM developed the computer for personal use and Apple made it more accessible with the famous Macintosh. technology changed We have seen technology advance so rapidly that it is difficult for the “common citizen” to keep up with what is out there. It is clear that the development of technology has fundamentally changed the way of life in all human areas and, in the vast majority of cases, has brought with it a better quality of life.

The “errands” or “returns” are now online

If we come, for example, to banking or commerce; Imagine (or some remember) that about 30 years ago you had to go to the bank in person to make a modest deposit in a bank or to withdraw. Some money for the weekend! Now it seems absurd not to do all kinds of transactions online. Still, until a few generations ago. The day in the city revolved around going to the bank. Paying for electricity, paying for the phone, the credit card, etc. Also, the ATMs that became popular in the 90s seemed to be the sum of technology, and since then, there has been “nothing to invent”!

You work without leaving home

Speaking of a useless waste of time, until recently, an employee in crowded cities could easily spend a couple of hours back and forth in an office, and another couple goes back to work in an office … four hours a day, completely dead. … unused part-time. Today’s collaboration tools for the workplace allow you to work where it is most efficient. For both the employee and the company.

From conference calls, which allowed to connect offices in different locations, to the sophisticated version of telepresence. Which will enable meetings between other parts of the world with an experience almost like a face-to-face meeting. And on an individual level, why go to an office when there is Skype, GoToWebinar, Google Hangout, Webex, and many other programs? The jump in labour productivity was huge.

It is studied where and when the person wants

This is precisely the case in education. Especially in higher education, when the student is already working and has little time to move to a classroom. The development of learning platforms has made the virtual experience as efficient as the personal experience. Games, simulations, chats, video tutorials. Interactive experiences of all kinds are new ways of learning and show that online education has become indispensable.

The best proof of this is Open English itself, which has revolutionized learning English in Latin America with online courses. To change to another form of study, recognized institutions of face-to-face education such as Harvard or MIT have popularized MOOCs. Which is massive and open online courses that students can take for free from home or visit in the office and that are recognized as academic.

Health services move to homes

The health sector has also benefited enormously from technological development. Medical procedures for detecting diseases with MRI or CATScan, surgical interventions such as organ transplants. Or genetic engineering with the controversial intervention in DNA has been improved. To enter a less controversial area, technology in rural areas of Latin. America has made it possible with the development of telemedicine to access world-class health treatments or technology that allows patients to be unable to reach clinics from great distances.

Cities receive adequate medical diagnoses and treatment (due to distance, cost or disability) connecting rural areas with world-class health centres. And not so far from the health issue are the so-called wearables. That is, the technology “to put on or wear,” either in bracelets or in shoe inserts. With which you can track your heart rate, calories burned. Weather. Invested, physical exercise, and many other data, which are related to the athlete’s health.

One of the most recent advances in this area is the mechanism that controls chronic pain by sending electrical currents to the body. Neurotransmitters in a device that is almost invisible to the human eye.

We are interconnected 24 hours a day

The areas of personal communication and entertainment are possibly those that offer the most visible signs of technological advance since they directly and immediately affect lifestyles. From interpersonal relationships within one’s own family to contact with people. We otherwise would not have met, either through chat rooms with similar affinities or through “networking.”

The online world has different ways people make friends and even the concept of friendship. Keyword: Facebook. Recently, this company announced that it had reached one billion users in a single day. Today the bond is so strong that families and schools have had to prescribe “offline” hours every day and even create special camps to preserve interpersonal communication and nature and to keep the conversation going, take this personality quiz to see how much you like these changes that technology has brought into our lives.